Archive Mode. Call Musea Call for Entry - Many Muses ended on 11/12/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Musea Call for Entry - Many Muses

The full collection of all of our Many Muses exhibit images. You can view details of each image, which includes the artist's accompanying story, as well as which class the painting is associated with. 

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No title
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Moana Whatu

Country: Australia

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Anthropas
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: This was the first time I completed a 13 month painting process and on the largest painting ever. The story from cosmic stars to this present life connected me to all that is and will be. The heavens and earth, the elements. The wise ones that showed up during this with me gave me such comfort during a challenging time in our worlds history 2020. This is a medicine self care painting that reminded me throughout the time, how connected we all are to each other and to nature. So grateful for this opportunity to do my part. Thank you Shiloh and our IC lineage.
Enveloped by Love
Enveloped by Love
Jesamyn Angelica

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Red Thread IC Guide 2021
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: Arms raised Eyes closed Protected by owl medicine And inner wisdom Her face reflects galaxies She basks in the light of these venerable celestial bodies With the Full Moon standing as sentry and beacon She reads the ancient glyphs by starlight Rays sent out ahead billions of years ago Lifetimes ago… Heart open in holy offering to the Unseen Ones She navigates by scent and stars By jasmine and brilliance Surrounded by the Elements of Life: Wind breezes Fire flames Water ripples Crystals grow And so does she Ever so slowly Ever so surely She holds the wisdom—the knowledge That Transformation is always happening Old patterns are always loosening, releasing Cleansing, clearing Should we but look with timeless eyes Others of a like mind Gather with her Draped in holy robes, all In silent ebb and flow In silent, sacred witness Undulating towards And back Ever-spiraling Here are gathered All who have heard the call The call to awaken into connection Into the understanding that we are never alone… *Even if no one else is there* Hearts healing together Walking the Path together Daughters of the Earth Daughters of the Stars The Red Thread connects us throughout all space and time The gatekeeper stands in the Liminal Bearing the Sacred Flame that beckons new ones to join Illuminating the way as She stands in welcome at the Threshold: “Enter here in perfect love and perfect trust For you already belong You are already loved You are already connected We have been waiting for you For lifetimes” No matter where we go Or how far we travel The Red Thread always calls us home: To one another To our Selves Enveloped by Love
Mystic Legend
Mystic Legend
Pamela Llano

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Vivid 2020
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: This is the Legend Of a Woman Who Birthed a Revolution Back in a time before She could remember or name, A seed was planted. It was buried in the dark, But it sprouted roots In her HeArt and Soul. There was drought And there was flooding, But still, The seed was there Deep inside her Sprouting shoots. As the shoots grew, The earth around them changed~ They brought life. Meanwhile the woman grew, Brought life And also changed herself And the world. One day, she found herself on the edge of the water, And for the first time ever, She knew She could jump in and swim. She started with a toe and some splashing And then she jumped! Her laughter and joy called to the others To break free from their shackles and join her. And one by one, they did. They brought their children. And their mothers and sisters, Family and friends. She showed them they could swim, too~ In joy and Love And with any stroke they made up. As they all began to believe in themselves, Their long neglected seeds started to sprout. Soon, there was a forest of badass strong women Leading with love Making their own maps Following their own compasses. And then, They began to fly. And the world Began to change. A new fucking paradigm. Strong women lead strong families Strong families change the world.
Body of Living Dreams
Body of Living Dreams
Pamela Llano

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Radiance
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: Dearly Beloveds We are gathered here today For a Celebration Welcome to the table You are cordially invited To this place where you belong Whether any of us believe it or know it or understand it or not We are each a part of this circle We are already connected through friendship and sisterhood and love Or maybe just through mystery and circumstance But we’re here Right where we belong Yes, you too. The universe called us In whispers and in shouts Did you hear it? Did you call back? Our worlds have collided Will you accept the invitation? Are you curious To see what’s right here? We each have a part to play~ Our own unique piece What do you imagine might happen if we Soak it up and marinate in it? Do you know your part matters? Can you trust me to do mine? Will you witness me As I witness you Not fixing Or Helping But listening And hearing This is our sacred gathering
She who is Elder standing between Heaven and Earth in Divine Joy
She who is Elder standing between Heaven and Earth in Divine Joy
Latifa Lipton

Country: USA

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Legend: Oracle and Ally
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: My Oracle came as a shape shifter. Shifting between all the phases of life that a woman moves through. Child, Maiden, Mother, Matriarch and Elder. She told me it was time for me to step into the roll of Elder, encompassing and holding all the years of life wisdom. She said it was time for me to take the horns and to step into and bring my medicine into the world. Medicine of the night, of stardust, of the crescent moon...of deep knowing. She connects the heavens and cosmos to the earth through her heart in joy. The recovered joy newly found. She has the cosmos in her consciousness and in her eyes. She holds the gift of an amethyst from the earth, asking me to take it and accept the mantle of Elder and all that it means...and I accept.
She Who is Deep Wisdom and Knowing with Star Magic in Joy...Earth Tender in Love
She Who is Deep Wisdom and Knowing with Star Magic in Joy...Earth Tender in Love
Latifa Lipton

Country: USA

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Legend Vivid Mystic
What year was this painted? : 2020-2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: She is a bronze gold pixie. She has wings and her movements are swift and sure as she looks at me with Joy and Love. She has shown herself to me before long ago but I have not been ready to embody her-could not believe she is me. She has such joy but also sharp clarity. Joy softening the clarity. Merging Joy and play with intuition, heart, love, connection deep wisdom and knowing. Wisdom of the deep Divine Feminine.
Soul Diver
Soul Diver
Katy Morse

Country: USA

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Codex
What year was this painted? : 2019
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: Shall we come back to the beginning? The still point at the center. The place where Love is born. Soul Diver returns again and again, swimming through streams of memories brushing aside old beliefs climbing up ladders to Heaven cascading in waterfalls of Joy. Soul Diver weaves her red thread between the hands of star and moon. She paints her future self with dots of Light and Love. Opens books with pages of all that has been, and writes, writes, writes a new poem for tomorrow. She remembers the Way to come home to her Self.
Angel Pricer

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Color of Woman
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: Legend: Oracle & Ally introduced me to The Sophia, and ushered in an unexpected gestation period where I witnessed myself inside the Cosmic Egg of Creation within the womb of the Divine Mother. This process delivered me back to my divine child, my playful, inventive and creative self. Ever since, I’ve been on a mission to live a life that normalizes joy and celebrates creative self expression. Last year, The Sophia said to me: I am the inception point of the endless cycle of beginnings I will never be complete I will always be evolving with you Today, she writes: From the dark moon a light bursts forth the primordial womb gives birth to heaven and earth Amongst the stars you learn to see a vision of reality assisted by the silent ones walking slithering flying growing waking beside you Once unveiled you cannot un-see that I am you and you are me
When the Wild Ride Calls My Name - Midnight Muse IC
When the Wild Ride Calls My Name - Midnight Muse IC
Kara Young

Country: USA

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Midnight Muse
What year was this painted? : 2019
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: When the Wild Ride Calls My Name Will you meet me at midnight with the key to all worlds? Will you leave your slumbering lover when I call? Crawl out of the comfort of your covers to invoke me! With brushes and colors and a soul on fire, you call me into being. Say the word and I will be there. I will ride through the moonlight to meet you at the gate, the storm just a whisper away.
Nancy Thompson

Country: Canada

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Soul Bird
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: I was introduced to Intentional Creativity by dearheart, Amber Gould, during a year that was obviously and deeply challenging for all of us, but also a year that provided me with some of the most dynamic and wonderful self-growth and exploration. We danced and ate and painted, deep in the heart of the forest, with sunlight slicing through our ancient cedar ancestors, and the nearby river singing soft encouragement to our creations. Soulbird was my first experience with Intentional Creativity, and I was in love with it from the start. In our short time together it has already changed the trajectory of my life and creative endeavours. I spend a lot of time communing with forces greater than myself while in nature. Turkey vultures meet me at every turn, and every time I am in need. These beautiful birds help me to gain better perspective, while reminding me of some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned. Sacred moments are so often wherever you choose to find them.
Nancy Thompson

Country: Canada

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Insight
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: This painting is an exploration of my sense of faith, where it is born and held within me, the truths it is built upon, the paradoxes it can hold, and the challenges I experience to living in it consistently. It is a reflection on the analytical and creative sides of my own internal processing, as well as the structured and spontaneous events and places in my life that have fostered deep inner work and growth… and ultimately, faith and trust in what I know as truth. My faith may waver from time to time, but the canvas is faithful. Creation is the connecting root of life, with the power to illuminate the innate and ancient wisdoms inside all of us. Creativity is love and death and rebirth, humility, self-discovery and explosive joy. Creativity can set us free.
Never Alone
Never Alone
Christy Marek

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Red Thread Guide Certification Training
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: Women are gathering for circle Bringing hopes and wishes and dreams Perhaps a little fear Because the most important things We have come to know Quicken the heart The blood in our veins Anticipation Longing Excitement Promise and possibility Born of our remembering Our connection to our sisters Our connection to the land Our connection to this moment As the only moment; This. Woodsmoke permeates the air As the women arrive fireside Their baskets overflowing with offerings Of scarlet thread and bannock, Fairy bells and heather— A welcome A calling A drum beat in the distance A heartbeat deep within A pulsing beneath our feet An invitation Do you hear it? Will you hear it? What will it take for you Sweet sister To admit the call? To feel the pull? To say yes? To say yes to yourself To say yes to this life To say yes to one another Full engagement Wherever this path takes you Whatever is asked To dance with the mystery To share your gifts To weave with the threads of experience The offering of your very existence For the benefit of others A treasure for all Will you say yes to the adventure That beckons? Honoring not only your own life But the life of every soul that joins you? We are here for you. For one, for all Bearing witness to your story The stories of those before you, Of those beside you Of those behind you Leagues of ancestors and allies Of births yet to come Calling to you Whispering your name Coaxing you on “We are here” They say As if they never left, For they never have. We have only forgotten: Our legacy Our legend Our sovereignty and power— You and me And we and they Together as one As we always have been And forever will be. “We are together” They say Reminding us Strong beautiful women, that With every word shared With every song sung With every hip that sways With every head thrown back in laughter With every strand of red thread we weave With every intention uttered And sent up on the wind Into the ether To the ears of the divine We are heard And seen And held. And so we remember We remember why we’re here We remember how to hear With the ears of the heart And see And hold One another in love The sweetest love Born of connection Of trusting the call That brings us into sacred responsibility Sacred reciprocity In witness of the glorious magic That infuses us, Every one. Rise, sisters, rise! Gather here in circle Bring what no one else can bring Bless us with your presence Just as we have done, Divine Sisterhood, Since the beginning. Our birthright is to celebrate One another. Let us hold fast Hand to hand Thread to thread Heart to heart To our collective Unrestrained becoming, Remembering we Are never alone.
Delta of My Heart
Delta of My Heart
Barbara Wellborn

Country: Canada

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Illuminated Heart
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: This was painted while doing intensive work on one of my ancestral lines. This was a powerful healing for myself and my Ancestors. In the work that I am doing, the Delta represents the point where I stand between the river of my ancestral past and the vast ocean of my future lines. As I stand in this delta, I am healed by my ancestors and I, in turn, pour out healing to my future generations and the world. The following poem came from this experience. Delta of My Heart A thousand times over I’d been here. A thousand times over I’d healed. A thousand times over I’d known pain But this last time round broke me A thousand pieces to reclaim. This time I came here, fresh and renewed. Little did I realize I’d conjured you To help fix the mess I’d left behind. Little did I realize that healing involved breaking me down even more, A thousand soul shards scattered to the wind. But fix myself, I did. Uncovering the past, lifetime by lifetime, Until I hit the Motherlode. With the roar of a dragon and the fury of Kali, I broke the chains that bound me to the rock of Prometheus. Soaring off on the Eagle’s back, no longer his captive, But now his companion and He, my guide. I dig and dig, mining deep into the veins of my Ancestors, Digging for the promised Gold, The healing gifts of this lineage tossed upon alluvial plains Bearing up their bones for me to gather in vessels, Hidden deep within the chambers of my heart. I offer them my healing; they flood me with their own. As I stand in the Delta, I am awash with their love. Scoured clean of my story, Shining light in all directions, like the stars above, A beacon to a thousand pieces come home. In honor of the Cushing Lineage Barbara Wellborn 2021
Rippling Resonance AKA She Who Blooms From The Mud
Rippling Resonance AKA She Who Blooms From The Mud
Luna Starseed

Country: USA

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Mystic Legend
What year was this painted? : 2020-2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: She who blooms from the mud with ripples of resonance, ripples of radiance Serene, Knowing Stepping into her confidence, stepping into her femininity She is Divine. She is Love. She is resilient. She is healed. A perfect being made of stardust, planets, terra, water An amalgamation of perfection Order from the chaos of creation Peace from the womb of the world Calm from the universal breath Her OM envelops all of time and space...rippling across the quantum Serene, confident - she steps forward from this moment into the next Her journey has been long and challenging She has traveled far and wide Observing, learning, experiencing, growing, changing With each bodhisattva step through the realms Past, Present, Future Her Mystic Self is revealed Her Mystic Self is formed Her Mystic Self is embodied Her Mystic Self is whole What was once a shattered broken vessel She is now fully grounded, solid, intact, complete Repaired and guilded, shining in her awareness Beaming her light for all to see No longer dim, no longer hiding She is Radiance
Isobella: The Keeper of Insight
Isobella: The Keeper of Insight
Julie Seibert

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Insight
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: I am light I am free I am whole I am me I am earthed And of the cosmos And I shift Gracefully
Cherie Gibson

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: The Midnight Muse
What year was this painted? : 2019
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: I started the wonderful "Midnight Muse" class after it was suggested by my friend and mentor, Dr. Sue Boardman. I was fortunate enough to be able to take the journey with Sue in her studio. At the step of inviting my muse to show herself, I had a feeling that she was telling me that I was strong and had strength to take care of me (which as an Enneagram "6", I fear I am not enough). That reminded me of a favorite Bible verse, Isaiah 12:2, "The Lord is my strength and my song". In Italian, the word for "song" is "aria". In Hebrew, the word "aria" means "lioness of God". Thus, Aria, my wonderful Midnight Muse totally embodies the verse from Isaiah.
DragonWomyn Standing On Holy Ground
DragonWomyn Standing On Holy Ground
Erin King

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Legend 2021
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: And She says: "I am DragonWomyn, Guardian between the worlds. I stand on Holy Ground with you, Breaking the chains that bind you. Remember, that though you come as one, You stand with 10,000. Always...and forever more..... Blessed Be."
Entranced in Dance
Entranced in Dance
Sumaiyah Yates

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Dancing Between the Worlds
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: She dances without inhibition. Free... She dances through the cycles of her/the Moon. Free... She dances without restriction. Free... She dances and doesn't care what others think of her. Free... She dances to the beat of her own drum. Free... She dances a dance that entrances her BE-ing. She dances a dance that expresses her Free-ing. She dances a dance that empowers her stance. For she is free from the encumbrances that try to hold her back, Hold her down, Steal her crown... She is entranced in the power of her own Dance.
Angel Pricer

Country: United States

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: Color of Woman
What year was this painted? : 2020
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: Soul Fire awakened The Angel of Alchemy within me. She burst forth through the portal saying “cast my chart” at 4:44 pm on a sunny 6th of July. Once complete, I began introducing her as my Business Partner. Her primary role has been to encourage me to move into my work in the world as an Alchemical Artist. Last year, The Angel of Alchemy said to me: Make up your life and your art in harmony with your heart Pain is the fuel vaporizing long held patterns of bondage of suffering Your heart hosts the alchemical process and love is a required ingredient Today, she writes: I have initiated you into a deeper path of creative service revealing to you the truth of your own being Over And over Again Again That you may craft your life in coherence with the essence that you are This is enough And yet, there is more always, there is more A new beginning dawns as you share your journey you enter right relationship in service to the whole Do you see, beloved? For while all beings are here to meet themselves to remember themselves as Creation not all will radiate this knowing in a way that expands Creation Do you accept?
"She Who Knows"
"She Who Knows"
Darlene (dari) Mondloch Zurawski

Country: USA

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?: "Sophistication"
What year was this painted? : 2021
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs: "She Who Knows" is a compilation of signs, symbols, and strokes, created to speak of souls' journey toward divine feminine mystery. She Who knows ...knows pain and suffering She Who Knows ...knows grief and loss She Who knows ...acknowledges deep loneliness She Who Knows ...embraces life as painter, prophetess, peacemaker, poetess, psychic, provocateur, priestess She Who Knows ...knows how to love deeply, forever in search of Divine Feminine Mystery

Page 3 of 6, showing 20 records out of 118 total, starting on record 41, ending on 60