Painting from a Musea Training
What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?
Color of Woman
What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
acrylic on canvas
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs
Legend: Oracle & Ally introduced me to The Sophia, and ushered in an unexpected gestation period where I witnessed myself inside the Cosmic Egg of Creation within the womb of the Divine Mother. This process delivered me back to my divine child, my playful, inventive and creative self. Ever since, I’ve been on a mission to live a life that normalizes joy and celebrates creative self expression.
Last year, The Sophia said to me:
I am the inception point
of the endless cycle of beginnings
I will never be complete
I will always be evolving with you
Today, she writes:
From the dark moon
a light bursts forth
the primordial womb
gives birth
to heaven
and earth
Amongst the stars
you learn to see
a vision of reality
assisted by
the silent ones
beside you
Once unveiled
you cannot un-see
that I am you
and you
are me