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Seeds of possibilities

Seeds of possibilities, Painting from a MUSEA Class
Seeds of possibilities

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?
Apothecary 2021
What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs

‘Seeds of possibilities’.

When I look at My Apothecary at this moment, I feel a relief.
A relief that during this painting process Energy moved and some bad stories changed. Like the change in my tragedy expressed during the medicinepainting / Apothecary from 2020. It gives new balance again, and deep, there are still new perspectives, and possibilities in my life and I hope that other people can relief their heartfeelings too when they see what can happen in Nature, on Earth.

I painted a little magical bowl, as a partial view of my 2020 Apothecary with the remedies resilience(feather), unconditional love from my husband( cup of coffee and a sunflower(as the power of love)).

I painted further a gap in the world to remind me that life is not stuck when something bad happens.
Even the dead oak stands firm after his tragedy. The elements of Nature influenced his life. Despite the tree is now a source for other life. Seeds are growing and insects are living in and on him.
The dragonfly, who holds the threads of power, symbolizes for me the ability to overcome times of hardships and as a reminder to take time to reconnect with my own strength, courage, and happines in my life.
The tropical soulbird, who spread love all over the world, is a Spirit, a Symbol for connection and freedom. ‘Reach out to others with intentional love’ She whispers. She knows what Love is and how important it is when it is unconditional.

There are also butterflies ( transformation) and you see a caterpillar, some seeds and wildflowers. They all contribute to experience how beautiful Nature is, even there is imperfection. Keep looking, than you See they say.

The over-arching theme for me is the ‘seeds of possibilities’. Therefor the seeds of Earth reach out to the Magic and return with magical dust. A power to change, to grow. In time we will see which challenges and opportunities Earth gives. Have trust, there are always possibilities. Earth shows us.

Selma Marion Egberts, Portugal/Europe