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Soul Fire

Soul Fire, Painting from a MUSEA Class
Soul Fire

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?
What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas, 100x100 cm
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs
I AM She who Carries Soul Fire
The flame of truth
The alchemical fire that cleanses, purifies, and transforms
I am here to remind you of all that you are
To reignite your awareness
To illuminate your consciousness
To fan your flames
I AM the light
I AM the dark
Order and Chaos
The Spark and the Void of Creation
I hold it all
I AM Infinite
I AM Finite
This juxtaposition of truths is necessary for the soul to experience itself
With the goal of returning Home
Returning to Union
Reliving Wholeness
I AM the Lotus
Pure Beauty
And like the lotus I am able to grow and shine during time of challenge and transform limitations and trauma into fuel for growth and increased compassion and unconditional love.
I AM the Phoenix
Pure Power
And like the phoenix I possess the ability to transform and rise from the ashes of my former selves. It is no mistake that I have been a daughter, student, soldier, mother, wife, and more in this incarnation.
The path of the wayshowers is one of transformation and rebirth
It is one of possibility and of promise
It requires courage and an open heart
I AM Ready

Part of my final journaling from this painting was this message:
I am not coming home.
I am home.
I am home with a deeper appreciation of who I am and an increased awareness of what I am called to do in my life.
The message has been so consistent.
It has grown louder and stronger the past few years.
I am a lightbearer, a wayshower, a pathfinder, and a trailblazer. I am here to shine. I am here to seek out the experiences that illuminate my soul and allow the Holy Yes to rise up in my being. I am here to be passionate and know that my passion can ignite other to follow their passions – to find their Holy Yes and allow themselves to be moved by their on divine spark and internal compass. Knowing that by doing this, they will be able to transform their lives and live their divine purpose.
It is that simple.
And it is that complex.
The most fearsome creature in all the world is a woman on fire with purpose. It is time to reclaim her fire. This is the constant message that Legend has held for me. This is the constant singularity within the whole of the painting.
And this Legendary journey is not over… it only just re-beginning.
I then heard:
You do not have to change everything at once. Stay on the path you are on, for it is the correct one and all will reveal itself in time.
Keep showing up and doing what you are called to do.
Pursue the Holy Yes and the rest will follow.
You know this.
You are used to seeing the entire path – it is one of your superpowers.
Right now, you are at threshold where many options seem to be present, but do not fear for you are also a point where no matter which direction you move, you will be led to the truth of your destiny. This the time where all roads do lead to Rome. The choice of how you travel is up to you. There are easy ways and there are more challenging ways, but you are being brought to the people and places where your destiny lies. And yes, that does include love and partnership.
Now is the time.
Things have been set in motion that cannot and will not be reversed. There is too much at stake for the future of humanity and the Earth for things to not come together. The time is now. The work is being done. Union and Soul Truth will not be denied. Follow your passion in order to experience the gentler form of transformation. For those that choose to fight against it or deny it, the process will be much harder to move through this portal – to cross this threshold between what was and what will be.
Things are on the verge of rapid and significant transition.
Follow the Holy Yes.
Anchor the Holy Yes.
Shine your Light.
Stand for truth.
Stand for created destiny.
Stand for chosen initiation and rebirth of self.
The time is now.