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Tools of Transformation - Eyes, Heart and Brushes

Tools of Transformation - Eyes, Heart and Brushes, Painting from a Musea Training
Tools of Transformation - Eyes, Heart and Brushes

Painting from a Musea Training   

What Painting Class or Training is the artwork from?
Color of Woman
What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on canvas
Share with us the STORY of you painting to give context to the work and what it means to you! This can be a poem or a few paragraphs
“The Tools of Transformation - Eyes, Heart & Brushes”

Some wisdom from my red-haired muse ~

Each painting I create brings with it a shift within me, a journey I need to take. When I accept the invitation to paint, I am opening my heart to an opportunity to wonder and wander into the unknown labyrinth of self, creating my own personal symbols and images in the process. This is my commitment to myself, as well as, to our world. Each time I show up at the canvas it scares and thrills me in almost equal measure, because my painting process with intention requires that I uncover within me that which has lain hidden, even to me. It encourages me to “write” a new story of who I tell myself that I am. I always see myself differently after completing a painting, as it breaks me open and takes me to the far reaches of my comfort zone. Ultimately, I am brought to a place of greater self love and acceptance while I witness myself becoming the visual storyteller who transforms not only myself, but also my relationship with others and even with nature, herself. Painting is my way of giving service to a world in need. Our challenged planet doesn’t need people to sacrifice their life to save it, rather our precious planet is saved as people find their joy and come alive … with their eyes open, their hearts engaged and brushes in hand!