MUSEA Intentional Creativity Museum invites our Student Body and Members to participate in our Many Muses Exhibit Open Call For Art!
This will be our museum’s first Many Muses Exhibit Open Call for Art, in which we invite students from our trainings and classes to submit their most meaningful Intentional Creativity painting from one of our classes or trainings. This art call is an opportunity for you to integrate more deeply with your Artist Archetype and step into the role of an exhibited artist! It is also a beautiful way to mark the past few years for Intentional Creativity, as we highlight the work of our students as a main focus of our Museum programming for 2021!
Wouldn’t you love to have your work featured in a museum art exhibit? A few select pieces will also be chosen for inclusion in our Musea Gallery Store as fine art prints!
The Many Muses Open Call for Art is exclusive to our cherished Musea students and members, who have journeyed with us, participated in our offerings, and contributed their creative genius and presence to our collective. This is our way of honoring and acknowledging you as artists and as the many individual Museas that make up our Collective Musea. We are so glad you have chosen the creative path and want to give you even more reason to embody and celebrate your Artist Archetype!
These paintings for Many Muses will be selected for inclusion in a celebratory exhibit that will showcase the amazing creativity of our student body from the past few years (2019-2021)! This will not be a juried show, everyone with a suitable image will be included.
Musea is about image and word, that is part of our Legend as a museum, and we are also requiring that each submission includes a written description or poem that provides the important ‘story’ element and weaves the context.
Of note, in 2022 we will be having a tree-themed art call as well as a Madonna-themed art call, so you may want to choose something unique from those so that you can participate in all three of these calls!
September 13, 2021
November 17, 2021 @ 4 pm PT
$42 per submission
(partial scholarships available)
Note: The submission fee reflects the administrative and design costs associated with hosting the art call, exhibit, museum show, and promotion and marketing, plus including it in our Museums permanent archive. All proceeds support our non-profit Intentional Creativity Foundation, which funds our museum, art education, and scholarships for our current and future students.
Submit up to 2 painted works from our 2019-2021 Musea trainings (Motherboard, Color of Woman, Red Thread Intentional Creativity Circle Guide) or Musea Intentional Creativity Painting Classes
Include with each submission a written description or poem (max 500 words) that provides a story and context for the chosen art piece.
High resolution image in PNG, JPEG, TIFF or PDF format.
Cropped without any background (such as your living room or easel) showing in the image.
Support the promotion of the Museum Show + invite three guests to attend the show!
(You will be emailed with a links to a special page to support you in this!)
Good quality image in PNG, JPEG, TIFF or PDF format of a painting from one of our trainings or classes that has been painted on canvas, wood panel, or watercolor paper. NOTE: We have how-to documents and a wonderful support team to answer your submission questions.
**All pieces of art submitted will be included as long as it meets our image quality standards and has the written component included.**
Our Curator, Shiloh Sophia, and the Co-Curators Circle of Musea, will work together to curate up to 50 outstanding works for inclusion in our Curator’s Choices Virtual Show, which will be featured at the top of the Many Muses Exhibit Page and shared LIVE at our November 17 Museum Show. These images will be grouped together thematically with a focus on resonance between images, weaving this into a beautiful student ‘body of work’ for our Virtual Show (professional quality video montage of the images). The remainder of the images submitted for inclusion in the exhibit will be creatively displayed as still images organized thematically by training, class, or style on the Exhibit Page.
The Benefits of Participation
Being included in a museum exhibit is something you can add to your Artist Portfolio, and share with your friends, family, communities and beloveds. We will also be providing you with an official Artist’s badge of Inclusion in our Musea Intentional Creativity Exhibit that you can showcase on your websites and any place you wish to share it! You will also be provided with media for promoting the live Museum Show and inviting guests to attend.
The show will be featured on our iMusea Museum site as a unique Exhibition Page, and shared broadly with our 10,000+ international community, Membership, and Guests. The Museum Show will also be shared over our Social Media channels and housed on our Musea YouTube Channel.
Your participation in our open call for art is a wonderful way to be supported by our Museum in marking the year for Intentional Creativity – putting your unique imprint into our student exhibit for 2021, which we will look back on for many years to come.

We are so excited to be collaborating with our community to mark the year for Intentional Creativity!
Thank you for your participation and being part of this quantum unfolding!